Personal Information

HRPC School of Law Scholarship Form

General information to be filled in by the Candidate

Academic Information

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
(as per CNIC/Passport)
Academic Information
Attested Photocopies of all supporting documents should be submitted on the interview day.
Upload Passport size Photographs in JPG or PNG format.
Upload CNIC / Passport documents in PDF, JPG or PNG format.
Upload Original Academic Documents in PDF, JPG or PNG format. You can upload 5 documents max 2MB each.
Upload Original Documents in PDF, JPG or PNG format.
Upload Original Documents in PDF, JPG or PNG format.
Statement of Declaration
I certify that the information provided above is accurate, authentic and complete. I understand that failure to provide the correct, accurate and complete information will get me dismissed from the school even after the acceptance and enrollment at my and my guardians/sponsors sole expense and peril. I, hereby, acknowledge that HRPC School of Law may verify the information I have provided using all means deemed necessary.